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The Belarusian and Russian languages have equal status in the Republic of Belarus. Both of them are used in the media sphere, education and clerical work.Teaching in the institutions of general and high education is realized according to the equal number of class hours for disciplines as ‘Belarusian language’, ‘Belarusian literature’, ‘Russian language’, ‘Russian literature’. But there is no parity of using in different types of communications between the languages. The ways of using the Belarusian in social sphere of modern Belarusian society is analyzed in this article.

About the authors

S V Nikolaenko

Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov

Author for correspondence.

Nikolaenko Siarhei Vladimirovich is the Dean of the Philology Department, Doctor of pedagogic sciences, associate professor, Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov, Vitebsk, Belarus.

pr-t Moskovsky, 33, Vitebsk, Belarus, 210038


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Copyright (c) 2017 Nikolaenko S.V.

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