The Concept “Trans-Regional Political Institution”

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Considered in the paper transregional Institute, they are a new political format in the development of the multidimensionality of the conditions of contemporary globalization. The BRICS is increasingly developing global opportunities for effective, intensive and equitable international cooperation not only in the interests of the participating countries, but also ensure a maximum level of stability, security and progress of the world system, its progressive and steady development. The study of various aspects of TRANS-regional development of modern political institution, represented by the BRICS, is caused by the fact that the mechanism of its development depends not only on economic interests but also on political stability and regional cooperation of its member countries.

About the authors

D F Gurinovich

Russian presidential Academy of national economy and public administration under the President of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Vernadskogo pr-t., 84, Moscow, Russia, 119571


Copyright (c) 2016 Гуринович Д.Ф.

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