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The article analyses preparation, key stages, structure, character and the results of the work of XXV World Congress of International Political Science Association «Borders and Margins», held in Australia, Brisbane 21 to 25 July 2018. The overview considers the key problems and directions of discussions that took place during the Brisbane`s Congress: borders, frontiers and margins in politics and the world, human right in the era of globalization and nationalism, contradiction of migrations processes, contemporary challenges of liberal democracy and global rise of populism, federalization, tradition and democratic innovation in electoral system of Australia, research methods and approaches in political science, participation of Russian political scientists it the congress. The author considers XXV World Congress of International Political Science Association «Borders and Margins» as a logical stage in its seventy years genesis.

About the authors

Youri Vasilievich Irhin

Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the auspice of the President of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Email: irkhine@mail.ru

PhD (History), Doctor of Science in Philosophy, Full Professor of the Department of Political Science and Management of the Institute of Social Sciences, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration; Professor of Russian State Humanitarian University (Russian Federation)

Vernadskogo prospect 84, 119606, Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2018 Irhin Y.V.

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