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This article is devoted to the problem of creativity’s analysis in the context of modern society. Creativity is understood in a broad sense, as a productive activity of man. Creative activity - complex phenomenon of human existence - includes all the transformations which take place in society in passing to the information stage. The author makes an attempt to reveal the essence of creativity of the information era, considering the crisis of self-identification, the transformation of communication and the changing of man’s way of being in the world. The problem of self-identification refers to the image which is created by the person and evaluated by the Other, who acts as a judge for us. Along with this, a person loses his former status, a man turns from a free creator into a functional performer. In that context, the author comes to the conclusion that it is necessary to study the phenomenon of simulative creativity, which he defines as alienated creativity. An emphasis is placed on the communicative aspect of the creative activity’s transformation, which is illuminating the importance of dialogue as theсreativity’s immanent foundation. The process of creative activity’s transformation is associated with the problem of simulativeness, which determines the nature and the content of this activity. The author notes that creative activity, acquiring a simulative nature, gives this simulativity to all the components that make up its structure. The problem of simulative creativity turns into the alienation of creativity as a special way of human’s being. The author describes the new way of being in the conditions of the information society’s simulative reality in termsof “alienation of creativity”. Based on the analysis of simulative creativity, the author concludes that it is possible to construct a universal theory of alienation - the theory of creativity’s alienation.

About the authors

A A Kostiuk

Voronezh State University

Author for correspondence.

аспирант кафедры истории философии и культуры факультета философии и психологии Воронежского государственного университета

University square, 1, Voronezh, Russian Federation 394018


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