Simulation of Physical and Chemical Phenomena and Processes in the Course of Evolution of Unicellular Organisms

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Based on the developed simulation technique of the functioning of animate systems the probabilities of the existence of genetically steady biological kinds of live objects are calculated. The possible reasons for probability discontinuous behaviour of speciation of unicells with the various genome sizes, adapted for different environmental conditions (temperature and aggression) are shown. Evidence for larger expediency of symbiotic presence of mitochondrions in eukaryote cells in comparison with other energy sources, for example, polyphosphates is produced. The genetic reason of evolutionary success of syngenesis over agamic reproduction is revealed. A.Weismann dogma about larger evolutionary stability of gametal cells genome, than somatic is confirmed. The calculations are carried out under the assumption of evolutionary conservatism of genetic stability systems of modern cells: reparations and apoptosis.

About the authors

A S Smirnov

National Research Nuclear University MEPI

National Research Nuclear University MEPI

S Yu Smirnov

National Research Nuclear University MEPI

National Research Nuclear University MEPI

S A Smirnova

National Research Nuclear University MEPI

National Research Nuclear University MEPI


Copyright (c) 2010 Смирнов А.С., Смирнов С.Ю., Смирнова С.А.

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