The results of measurements of the photocurrent of a photoresistor installed in the focal plane of a telescope-reflector at st. Novolazarevskaya (Antarctica) in order to register the “culmination” signal from the passage of the Sun through the meridian (culmination). As a result of photocurrent measurements conducted on 03.02.2013 and 04.02.2013 in the midday interval from 11h00m to 11h50m (UT), the “response” (effect) of the photocurrent to the Sun's influence in the position of the meridian plane (culmination) is established. The results of the study of the reaction of the main human biomarkers (in vivo) to the culmination of the Sun, obtained in the analysis of observational data for the period from 20.01.2017, are also presented for 18.04.2017 at the Arctic station “Ice Base Cape Baranova” (arch. Northern Land). Conclusions are made about the sensitivity of the arterial systolic (upper) to the moment of climax and its dependence on the near-surface atmospheric pressure at the frequency of "five-minute" fluctuations (r ~ 0,8). In conclusion, the role of the culmination of the Sun as an astronomical factor in the processes of living and inanimate nature is noted.