Public relations on the mediatization context: a conceptual research framework

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The paper presents the first in Russian scientific discourse public relations (PR) concept analysis on the digital data-driven mediatization context. These phenomena comparative analysis results offer a more relevant research approach, conceptual framework and tools for the public relations and mediatization studies. It is important to use the subject-to-object research paradigm to identify the main subjects - communication customers - to determine the parameters of the communicative figuration in the mediatization studies more accurately. The practical and conceptual mediatization and public relations framework is being transformed due the newest “deep” mediatization paradigm which provokes a conceptual mediation and public relations convergence.

About the authors

Marina G. Shilina

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Author for correspondence.

DPhil in Philology, Professor at the Department of Advertising, Public Relations and Design of the Faculty of Marketing

36 Stremyannyi Lane, Moscow, 115093, Russian Federation


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