“Singing mountains” in the late Khlebnikov’s poetic manner: geognostic code in the autocommunicative model

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This article analyzes the peculiarities of realization of the motif of “singing mountains” (and its variations) in the later period of artistic and philosophical searches of Russian poet and thinker, one of the originators of futuristic movement - Velimir Khlebnikov. Representations of the geognostic code are given in the paradigm of autocommunicative model peculiar to philosophical and aesthetic thinking of the poet. The actuality of the work is determined by the insufficient previous study of the problem of functioning of geognostic elements in the Khlebnikov’s universe, as well as the importance of studying the autocommunicative strategies implemented in poetic texts with a complex structure and a high degree of “encryption” of the material. Structural semiotic and mythopoetic approaches together with elements of textological and componential analysis methods allowed to reveal mythopoetic motifs that are structurally and typologically close to the phenomenon of “singing mountains”. Based on the consideration of the post-revolutionary works of “rechetvorets” (“wordwright”) an assumption is made that their geognostic motifs can be configured both at the level of mythopoetic units and additional codes, and of “natural objects” that become independent communicators (addressant and addressee) in the system “I - I”. The contours of intertextual field analysis in the space of implementation of the considered motif are outlined.

About the authors

Maxim V. Ganin

I. Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: isaaa@ya.ru

Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Literature and Cultural Studies

38 K. Marksa St, Cheboksary, 428000, Russian Federation


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