Media ecosystem in the projection of technological innovations

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Accelerated adoption of technological innovations and the transition to a digital economy raise many debatable issues, and they affect the media industry. At the same time, the national media industry in the era of technological, sociocultural and economic transformations has the role of an information integrator of innovations. Transformations in the media sphere, the reform stage, raise a number of issues requiring substantiation. The article is aimed at posing a multidimensional problem, namely, the problem of the media component of digital reforms. This aspect of the study allows us to reveal both the positive factors of improving the media sphere during its transition to a new level, and to reveal the gaps of the media system developing in the digital paradigm. The article offers an analysis of the modern concept of the media industry. In the 21st century, media appear as a multifunctional system, where priority is given to the interdisciplinarity of knowledge, competencies and skills, this also updates the criteria for media education. The justification of the term “ecosystem” in this article as applied to media helps to trace the relationship between the fundamental vectors of development of this most important social institution - it is these vectors that underpin the media structure as a market entity.

About the authors

Svetlana L. Urazova

Russian State University of Cinematography named after S. Gerasimov

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal “Vestnik VGIK”, Russian State University of Cinematography named after S.A. Gerasimov

3 Wilhelm Pick St., Moscow, 129128, Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Urazova S.L.

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