Vol 23, No 1 (2018)


Remembering him through the blood in my vein (A.L. Blok in A.A. Blok’s life and literary career)

Sarychev V.A.


The article is devoted to the study of dramatic relationship between Blok and his father. Unlike the previous researchers who described the father’s role in the poet’s life as insignificant and negative, the author of this article claims that there were some covert spiritual bonds between the father and the son. To prove this statement the author provides the readers with a wide scope of material, including epistolary evidence (Blok’s letters describing his father), reminiscences of relatives, acquaintances, students of the Warsaw professor, notes with his bright scientific ideas. The author arrives at the conclusion that there was a deep affinity between the father and the son which served a conceptual basis for the poem “Retribution” at which the poet was working till the last days of his life.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2018;23(1):7-28
pages 7-28 views

J.W. Goethe’s “Faust” code in A. Akhmstova’s poem “Without a hero”

Kikhney L.G., Kornienko S.A.


A new aspect of intertextuality research of Anna Akhmatova’s “Poem without a hero” is suggested in this article. Authors identify quotational and reminiscent layers of the J.W. Goethe’s tragedy “Faust”. They also show that each of the many references to Goethe is a structure-forming principle towards the poem’s text. It structures the poem on different layers starting from motives and images ending in its composition. Artistic functions of Faust and Mephistopheles images who were intentionally included in the poem are considered. Interconnection with “Faust” opening plot is also presented. The situation when infernal powers come to the character who summoned them by the means of magic ritual (fortunetelling) is analyzed. The motives of devil carnival in “Poem without a hero” (with its references to “Night Brocken”) are compared with the motives of “Walpurgis night” in “Faust”. Leitmotivs of “poisoned wine”, “Golden Age”, “Dark Crime”, “pangs of conscience” in Akhmatova’s poem are conformable to the main story lines in Goethe’s tragedy. It is proved that Akhmatova’s appeals to Goethe were based not only on the original text but also on the translation by N.A. Kholodkovsky.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2018;23(1):29-35
pages 29-35 views

The letter and the world in the fictional realm of works by S. Esenin, M. Shishkin

Solnceva N.M., Khlebus M.A.


The article investigates the phenomenon of the letter and the word in the essay “The keys of Mary” (1918) written by A.S. Yesenin and the short-story by M.P. Shishkin “Calligraphy Lesson” (1993), and also in his essay “The Saved Language” (2001). The given articles reveals common and opposite theses between art and linguistic concepts proposed by Serguey Yesenin, a poet of the Silver Age, and Mikhail Shishkin, a writer of the XXI century: they both see the letter as a microcosm, point out the anthropological perception of the letter, and emphasize the creative potential of the word. Yesenin and Shishkin correlate the “living life” of the word with a consistent action, in which there is a beginning, a climax, a conclusion. The plot of “Calligraphy Lesson” develops following the graphic logic of the letter, the narrative about the life of the law writer is moving towards a full-stop. In the “Keys of Mary”, on the contrary, the alphabet plot develops as a story of individual: from the intuitive perception of self to self-discovery. With the explicit anthropological sense of the alphabet, both Yesenin and Shishkin establish their hierarchy of values where a person doesn’t play the main part. Letters and words in the Yesenin and Shishkin’s aesthetic system go far beyond the limits of their cognitive functions. Both Yesenin and Shishkin develop the idea of a word as national cultural memory. The philosophy of the words as presented by both writers is considered as following the stylistic tradition of Epiphanius the Wise.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2018;23(1):36-41
pages 36-41 views

The archetypal complex ship in Russian literature: mortal subtext

Dudareva M.A.


The paper studies a genesis of the ship image in the Russian literature and folklore, an idea of “other kingdom” in the Russian literature poetics of the 19-20 centuries. An emphasis is put on the issues related to the metaphor of a ship, a boat in the artistic world of Lermontov, Turgenev, Dostoevsky and in the poetry of the early 20th century. A paradigm “the Moon - boat” is studied in detail. The image of a boat, which regularly appears in Russian literature, various word-painters’ art works, is associated with semantics of funeral ceremonial boat typical for different folk genres. Addressing to riddles about death, toRussian epic tradition, to plots dedicated to Razin demonstrates complexity and significance of the symbol of a boat/ferry/ship for the national culture. This symbol encapsulates the supreme idea of death as cosmic regeneration, character’s initiation, which appeared highly sought by Russian literature, both realistic prose and avantgarde and modernism poetry.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2018;23(1):42-49
pages 42-49 views

About theatrical prose of the post-revolution era (on the works be E. Zamyatin and A. Green)

Koltsova N.Z., Monisova I.V.


In article the report at the International scientific conference “the Theatre of revolution” (Cold read - 2017). We are talking about specific theatricalisation of reality, characteristic for the revolutionary and totalitarian era, as well as on the reflection and prediction of these processes in early Soviet prose. Found a “mystery code” and “code ballet” as a genre Dominante individual scenes or the text as a whole in the works of E. Zamyatin and A. green. The staging of a particular type determines the form of expression of author’s position and overall artistic language epic of the analyzed texts.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2018;23(1):50-58
pages 50-58 views

The image of the teenager in the novels of Chingiz Aitmatov of the 1970-th

Meskin V.A., Zolotukhina A.V.


The article presents a comparative analysis of formal-substantial components in the stories “the White ship”, “Early cranes”, “spotted dog running at the edge of the sea” by Ch. Aitmatov. There is the analysis of the characters-teenagers, which shows the peculiarities of these characters, the psychology of actions with the aim of realizing the “inner self” of the character. The conclusion is made about the evolution of children’s themes in the works of the writer. Identifying the uniqueness of issues Ch. Aitmatov, the author of the article needs make excursions into literature, the characters of which are teenagers.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2018;23(1):59-65
pages 59-65 views

Contemporary children’s literature, myth or reality?

Petrova S.A.


The article justifies the obligatory and actuality school education of contemporary child’s book as a “key mediatext of culture”; revealed the reasons of the underestimation of child’s literature formed in society; describes the contemporary processes that go in child’s book business; proved the necessity of development informative politics elaborate at government level. The novelty of the research consists in the exposure of basic negative tendencies, that led Russia’s loss of status not only “the most reading country of the world” but also simply “reading country”, in the proposals by the author the concrete measures for the improvement of situation in area of reading and child’s national book industry. A scientific value presented the generalizations and conclusions, done by the author who based on the study of specific properties of contemporary child’s and teenage literature, in particular: its “ovzroslenie” - “written for children as for adults” - attraction to journalism, genres deflections, structural changes of texts, violation of logic narrative and composition and other.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2018;23(1):66-78
pages 66-78 views

The Novel of A. Bitov “Armenia Lessons” as a genre of travel in the context of Russian prose of the second half of the XX-th century

Elrashid Ali M.A.


The article attempts to examine the main views about Armenia on the works of O. Mandelstam’s “Journey to Armenia” and the cycle “Armenia” and the novel by A. Bitov’s “Armenia Lessons”. However, the journey is considered as a genre of literature, the degree of influence of O. Mandelstam, A. Bitov, the similarities and differences in the work of writers and the place of the story “Armenia Lessons” in Russian prose of the second half of the twentieth century. The main objective of the study is to analyze the contribution of A. Bitov in the genre of travel and representation of the image of Armenia to Russian readers. The author of this work concludes that the basis of the story “Armenia Lessons” by A. Bitov are works about Armenia Osip Mandelstam. Writer rediscovers Armenia to the Russian reader and brings new features to this genre of literature, like a journey.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2018;23(1):79-85
pages 79-85 views

Variations of grotesque in the novels pf Charles Dickens

Mokhova T.Y.


The article deals with classification and analyze of various types of grotesque in the novels of a distinguished English prose writer Charles Dickens. Grotesque is considered as a key method of humor. It combines as well as humorous and satirical goals. Despite the fact that grotesque uses broad exaggeration and reduces psychological accuracy, Charles Dickens managed to make this technique a harmonious part of the imaginative world of his realistic novels. We take for our analyse the early novels as well as examples of mature literary works (“The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club”, “The adventures of Oliver Twist”, “Dombey and Son”, “David Copperfield”, “Great Expectations” etc.).

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2018;23(1):86-94
pages 86-94 views


Publizism in Modern Russian media: reflection and practice

Tertychnyy A.A.


The article examines the current state of publicism, are determined by its high significance in the life of society and trends. The phenomenon known today as “publicism” exists in the culture of Russia for over three centuries. However, in discussions about “publicism”, its functions, methods, forms and possibilities of continued existence, still there are ambiguities. To some extent his is due to the incompleteness of theoretical understanding of this phenomenon. This is what motivates the author of this article, a critical look at the existing theoretical understanding of “publicism” and to present a new systemic vision of this phenomenon as a more fundamental and robust phenomenon than previously thought, which is the conceptual novelty of the article and its scientific value, because it opens new directions in the study of “publicism”, the implementation of which will lead to further research to clarify its nature, forms, and types. The article also identifies the situational socio - political factors hindering the existence anddevelopment of “publicism” in the modern information space of Russia. Overcoming them will contribute to the further development of journalistic creativity.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2018;23(1):95-102
pages 95-102 views

TV series as a means of representing people with autistic personality traits in the system of social coordinates

Shesterkina L.P., Vazhenina O.A.


As a phenomenon of mass media, the television series emerged at the turn of the 1940s-1950s. and today the television series occupy a special place in the cultural space. Theorists involved in television media issues highlight a wide range of social functions of this medium of communication. The television series for a long time was in the cultural “ghetto”, pushed to the periphery of both socially approved forms and research attention. However, in practice this form is historically rooted in culture. The principle of seriality is a cross-cutting for modern culture. The television series left the “parental locus” of television and confidently spread to all media space. TV series create and broadcast a certain image of the cultural hero of our time. Beginning in 2004, the format of serials about characters that are not diagnosed autistics or savants is becoming popular on television, however, personality traits characteristic for highly functional people with autism spectrum disorders are present in their entirety. In the mid-2000’s. a powerful trend is formed for the construction and translation into cultural space of a certain anthropological type. With extremely rare exceptions, an image of a highly functional autistic-savant or a person with Asperger’s syndrome is projected into the cultural space. the analysis of domestic and foreign serials showed that by now a stable system of positive direct and reverse links between television and society has been formed on the problem of the representation of images of people with autistic personality traits and their acceptance by society

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2018;23(1):103-114
pages 103-114 views

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) of PR in Syrian ang Russian telecommunication companies in crisis. A comparative analytical study on communication activities of MTN and MTC companies

Muzykant V.L., Mfarrej F.


The question of corporate social responsibility of public relations especially in crises continues to be timely, as highlighted by recent controversies on this topic. Coming to terms with cases such as these relies on the task of defining corporate social responsibility, and more broadly figuring out which aspects of the PR’s social responsibility can be feasibly regulated. This study aimed to identify the concept of corporate social responsibilityin crises for the public relations departments of MTN and MTS, and the activities and programs implemented by these two companies to reflect their concept of corporate social responsibility towards their publics and community.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2018;23(1):115-126
pages 115-126 views

Methodology for analyzing creolized text of political cartoon in the Arabic and French languages

Ebzeeva Y.N., Dugalich N.M.


The article suggests a methodology for analyzing political cartoons based on the results of a comparative study of the contemporary Arab and French political cartoons on political leaders. Political cartoon is a genre of political discourse that appeared in linguistics in the middle of the twentieth century and the study of which is currently an actual problem of modern linguistics. The genres of the political discourse can be described as a homogeneous and creolized texts; the political cartoon is a creolized text that unites the iconic and verbal levels and has paralinguistic characteristics. Creolized text is an integral part of modern communication and functions in a number of discourses. The following are also relevant issues for modern multidisciplinary research: classification of creolized texts on the interaction of its components, description of linguistic and visual means, consideration of semiotic codes and methods of their decoding. For the materials of the analysis there were selected 100 cartoons on political themes in Arabic and French, obtained by a continuous selection of print and electronic media and caricature sites.

RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2018;23(1):127-133
pages 127-133 views


Russian modernism: a view through the century. Review: Sarychev V.A. Phenomenon of Russian modernism

Udodov A.B.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2018;23(1):134-136
pages 134-136 views

Authentic Pasternak (in memories and researches by Vyach.Vs. Ivanov). Review: Vyach.Vs. Ivanov. Pasternak. Memories. Researches. Moscow. 2015

Kihney L.G., Temirshina O.R.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2018;23(1):137-144
pages 137-144 views

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