The Implementation of Islamic Law: the Problems of Changing of Legal Consciousness and Legal System of Russia

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The introduction of Islamic banking in the Russian financial sector raises issues related to the development of legislation, the adaptation of the principles of partner banking to the current rules of lending and investment, the problem of perceiving norms based on a different legal doctrine. The tools of Islamic banking have significant socio-economic advantages in comparison with traditional lending and investment structures. However, the existing opposition of Islamic values to the traditions of Western culture and legal doctrine may have a negative impact on legal awareness, will create a threat to preserve the integrity of Russia's legal system. The purpose of the article is to identify problems that impede the introduction of the principles of Islamic banking in the national legislation. While preparing the article, the authors used an integrative approach to law that involves understanding of legal institutions and other social phenomena as complex multidimensional phenomena. Overcoming the exclusively religious approach to the perspective of the implementation of the principles of Islamic law makes it possible to consider legal frameworks and mechanisms of partner banking in terms of adapting successfully tested practices to the activities of economic entities, regardless of national or religious affiliations. The results of the study were the identification of the main directions for improving the national legal theory and practice associated with the reception of the principles of Islamic banking in the Russian legal system. It is necessary to develop the concept of expanding the sources of civil law regulation within the multiplicity of jurisdictions and the coexistence of legal systems within the area of a single sovereign state. The introduction of the model of Islamic banking should be carried out based on secular principles of the organization of banking activities, the integration of the national legal system with the norms of Islamic law. The implementation of the principles, institutions and norms of a different public order significantly different from the tradition that has developed in Russia and should be implemented through a change in the legal doctrine, the understanding by lawyers of the socioeconomic linkage between the principles of Islamic banking and the results of economic activity of persons applying for funding.

About the authors

Olga A Serova

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Civil Law and Procedure

14, A. Nevskogo st., Kaliningrad, Russia, 236016

Shifo A Niyatbekov

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University


Postgraduate student, Department of Civil Law and Procedure

14, A. Nevskogo st., Kaliningrad, Russia, 236016


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