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The article is devoted to the pre-trial procedure for qualifying information, information materials, posted on information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, as extremist and prohibited for distribution as a condition for applying to court. The object of the study was a complex of public relations aimed at countering extremism. As a result of the study, the author concluded that part of the complex of preventive measures, carried out by the authorized bodies in order to counter extremism, can be assessed by the court as a pre-trial procedure for qualifying information as extremist. The author draws attention to the lack of certainty in the terms “extrajudicial procedure” and “pre-trial procedure”, which requires improvement of the legislation; the need to determine the mechanism of pre-trial procedure of applying to court by establishing criteria, specific and sufficient actions of the authorized bodies to apply to court.

About the authors

Svetlana Z. Zhenetl

Russian State University of Justice

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor of Civil and Administrative Proceedings

69 Novocheremushkinskaya str., 117418, Moscow, Russian Federation


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