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The relevance of the four-part article is that it examines the legal aspects of the use of information technologies in education, as well as their security, which is the legal basis for regulating these relations. Meanwhile, it should be noted that in recent decades insufficient attention has been paid to these problems in scientific works on jurisprudence. In legal studies the legal constructions of the concepts of “Internet addiction”, “digital educational environment”, “online training”, “digital infrastructure”, etc. have not yet been investigated. The purpose of the study is: 1) to determine the actual directions for improving legislation on the information security of the educational environment; 2) to substantiate the point of view according to which it is necessary to create and implement programs to educate children and adolescents on the rules of safe behavior in the Internet space and to prevent Internet addiction; 3) to better understand the term “safety of the educational environment”. In the research process, a diverse set of methodological tools was used: 1) general philosophical methods (dialectical and idealistic); 2) general scientific methods - analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, analogy, comparison; 3) private (special) methods - logical, comparative legal, formal legal, normative dogmatic; 4) method of interpretation, including a method of problem-theoretical reconstruction. The paper analyzes the main regulatory documents that are used to implement the digital educational environment. The main results of achieving the goal of the study are proposals on: 1) introduction of the concept of “safety of the educational environment” into the scientific circulation of jurisprudence; 2) relevant legislative initiatives in this area. The theoretical significance of the study. The paper discusses the legal relations prevailing in the field of using information technologies in education, proposes the author’s definition of the legal regime for creating a modern and safe information educational environment. The author formulated priority areas for improving this activity. The indicated research results can be used to improve the science of information law.

About the authors

Lyudmila N. Bokova

Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosova

Author for correspondence.

State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, applicant for the Department of Computer Law and Information Security of the Higher School of State Audit

1 p. 13 Leninsky mountains, 119991, Moscow, Russian Federation


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