The concept of integrated control system for organization and monitoring procedure of knowledge

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In work the analysis of the developed system of the organization and carrying out a testing certification is given and the concept of development of the integrated control system of its organization and carrying out which includes the whole complex of the actions directed as on continuous improvement of system, and structural changes is considered.

About the authors

A A Kuznetsov

Russian Academy of Education

S G Grigoryev

Moscow city pedagogical university

Email: grigorsg@mgpu.inf
Chair of informatics and applied mathematics

R A Sabitov

The Kazan national research technical university of A.N. Tupolev

Chair of dynamics of processes and management

G S Smirnova

The Kazan national research technical university of A.N. Tupolev

Chair of dynamics of processes and management

Sh R Sabitov

The Kazan national research technical university of A.N. Tupolev

Chair of dynamics of processes and management

B R Sirazetdinov

The Kazan national research technical university of A.N. Tupolev

Chair of dynamics of processes and management


Copyright (c) 2015 Кузнецов А.А., Григорьев С.Г., Сабитов Р.А., Смирнова Г.С., Сабитов Ш.Р., Сиразетдинов Б.Р.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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