Opportunities to use interactive tasks in chemistry within the Middle Years Programme (basic school) of the International Baccalaureate


Problem and purpose. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are considered one of the most progressive and effective means of increasing interest in learning, as well as developing students in modern teaching methods. In Russia, the use of ICT and the development of its theoretical aspects in teaching chemistry under the Middle Years Programme (MYP, basic school) of the International Baccalaureate is at an embryonic level and, therefore, is a modern and very urgent problem of the education system within the framework of the International Baccalaureate. New methods and means based on the use of ICT in the educational process contribute to the growing interest in the study of chemistry. Increasing the level of independence in educational activities within the framework of working with ICT contributes to the formation of a competent, developed personality, teaches children to make adequate decisions, and motivates to improve self-preparation for lessons. Thanks to the continuous movement of modern education towards change and progress, there are more and more new developments and teaching aids that can be used in teaching chemistry. All this contributes to the creation and maintenance of a stable interest in educational processes, both in the independent search and solution of problems, and at school in the classroom. Often, the generally accepted approaches to the study of the topic of valence, existing today, do not give the desired and desired results. And the insufficient assimilation of this topic by students leads to a deterioration in academic performance in the further paragraphs of the chemistry course of the basic school curriculum. In the MYP (basic school), the study of the topic “Valence” is replaced by an explanation of the concepts of electronegativity and oxidation state, which leads to the loss of one of the fundamental concepts in chemistry. That fact defines the problem of the article. The purpose of the article is to describe approaches to increasing the interest and attention of students in the context of the use of innovative interactive technologies. Methodology. The methodological basis was the scientific and methodological works of A.K. Akhlebinin, N.P. Bezrukova, G. Vern, L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, S.A. Gerus, A.A. Zhurin, V.V. Zagorsky, L. S. Zaznobina, O.S. Zaitsev, M.V. Zueva, R.G. Ivanova, N.E. Kuznetsova, G.Ya. Lastushkina, T.S. Nazarova, E.I. Mashbitsa, E.S. Polat, L.F. Pleukhova, I.V. Robert, T.A. Sergeeva, N.F. Talyzina, S.G. Chaikova, G.M. Chernobelskaya, L.L. Chunikhina, M. Shanon. Results. The expediency of using interactive tasks in chemistry (on the example of the topic “Valence”) in teaching schoolchildren under the MYP has been substantiated by increasing the general level of academic performance on this topic, as well as interest in chemistry lessons. Approaches to the selection of content (on the example of the topic “Valence”) for the creation of interactive tasks, including scientific, systematic, age-appropriate, are determined. A system of interactive tasks for studying the topic “Valence” under the MYP was developed and tested, which contains teaching materials for preparing students on the specified topic, including the theoretical part and analysis of examples. Conclusion. The results allowed to conclude that the creation and use of a specially prepared system of interactive tasks in chemistry (using the example of the “Valence” topic) for the MYP leads to a significant simplification of the study of this topic and an increase in the level of intrinsic motivation to study chemistry.

About the authors

Vladimir I. Tomin

School No. 1517 in Moscow

Author for correspondence.
Email: tominvi@gym1517.ru

chemistry teacher

11 Zhivopisnaya St, bldg 1, Moscow, 123103, Russian Federation


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