Cyber treats of digital society and their prevention in the context of victimological activities

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Problem and goal. The article discusses the victimological signs of crimes in the field of using information technology and cyber threats in the context of digitalization of modern society. The relevance of scientific and methodological research in the field of pedagogy on the problems of preparation for the implementation of victimological activities is emphasized. Methodology. The study is based on the analysis of major challenges of digital society and the internal logic of the development of applied victimology, which is mainly concerned with preventing victimization amid the threats to modern society. Results. Based on the analysis, the study lists and describes the types of existing cyber threats depending on the object of the attack, as well as legislative acts that define information security and cybersecurity. It is noted not only the relevance of considering new threats to the information society, which cause the need for the development of information security and cybersecurity as independent scientific areas of informatics and partly applied victimology, but also the development of terminology and criteria in this area, as well as the formation of professional competence in the education system of modern specialists in the field of professional victimological knowledge aimed at preventing cybercrime. Conclusion. To prevent cybercrimes and to ensure cybersecurity, victimological activities, a special component in the professional activities of modern subjects of different levels, should be developed and carried out.

About the authors

Natalia I. Ryzhova

Institute of Education Management of the Russian Academy of Education

Author for correspondence.

doctor of pedagogical sciences, full professor, chief research officer of the center for informatization of education

16 Zhukovskogo St, Moscow, 119121, Russian Federation

Olga N. Gromova

Saint Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions


candidate of law, associate professor, head of the department of branches of law

15 Fuchika St, Saint Petersburg, 192236, Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2020 Ryzhova N.I., Gromova O.N.

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