Model for training of masters in pedagogical education for activity in virtual social and educational environment based on development of digital competences


Problem and objective. The article provides theoretical basis for model for forming of readiness of future teachers to activity in virtual social and educational environment based on development of their digital competences. Analysis of types of activities of a future teaches listed in the Federal State Educational Standards (3++) for Higher Education and areas for application of their digital competences reveals their interconnection and provides opportunities for development of digital competences of a future teacher in the framework of suggested master’s program build up based on the analysis of approximate profile of teacher’s digital competences. Methodology. The research is based on the analysis of digital competences of a teacher and the logic for build-up of subject training of future teaches at master’s level for their successful and effective professional activity in the conditions of virtual social and educational environment based on development of their digital competences. Results. The research analyzes the content of basic digital competences of a teacher; suggests a model for development of professional readiness of a future teacher to activity in a virtual social and educational environment based on development of digital competences; formulates basic content for master’s program “Digital Technologies and Network Interaction in Education”, “Pedagogical Education”, “Professional Education”, “Additional Education” based on development of digital competences of a future teacher in the framework of his professional training in an institution of higher education; formulates basic content of training in the framework of suggested disciplines of master’s program. Conclusion. It is shown that for the improvement of effectiveness of teachers’ activity in the contemporary conditions of society digitalization and development of virtual social and educational environment it is necessary to include subject disciplines aimed at development of their digital competences on a special level into the process of their professional training.

About the authors

Natalya Yu. Koroleva

Murmansk Arctic State University

Author for correspondence.

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of mathematics, physics and information technology

15 Kapitana Egorova St, Murmansk, 183000, Russian Federation


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