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For the last decades approach to mathematical calculations has changed radically. On change by the account, to arithmometers, slide rules and calculators computers have come. The expert not able to put into practice knowledge to make mathematical calculations by means of the computer can be hardly considered as a high quality. In order that it was possible to use the computer for the solution of mathematical tasks it is necessary to construct at first mathematical, and then and computer model of this task. In article the analysis of a concept of model is carried out the place of the substantial line “Formalization and modeling” in a school course of informatics are analyzed and methodical recommendations for increase in learning efficiency of the substantial line “Formalization and modeling in a school course of informatics” are offered.In article the analysis of the basic concept of the Formalization and modeling in a school course of informatics is carried out features of studying of the Formalization and Modeling line in a school course of informatics in different textbooks. The article will be useful to teachers of informatics and also the student studying mathematics to teachers, and also the experts as obliges facing need of mathematical data processing, creation of mathematical and computer models and interpretation of the received results.

About the authors

Hamid Abdulovich Gerbekov

Karachay-Cherkess state university of name U.D. Aliyeva

Author for correspondence.
Email: hamit_gerbekov@mail.ru

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, head of the department of algebra and geometry

Lenin str., 29, Karachayevsk, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Russia, 369202

Oksana Pilyalovna Bashkayeva

Karachay-Cherkess state university of name U.D. Aliyeva

Email: diny03@mail.ru

senior teacher of department of algebra and geometry

Lenin str., 29, Karachayevsk, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Russia, 369202


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Copyright (c) 2017 Gerbekov H.A., Bashkayeva O.P.

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