Organization of interaction between the teacher and students in the preparation for the creation and use of electronic educational materials


Problem and goal. In the article the approaches allowing to organize preparation of students in the field of development and use of electronic educational materials for support of scientific and methodical and organizational-management activity of workers of educational organizations are considered. The goal was to describe the recommendations on the organization of such interaction between the teacher and students on the example of using the information educational environment of the project “Moscow Electronic School” (MES). Methodology. The data bank includes reliable criteria and mechanisms for evaluating the quality of the educational electronic resources of the MES library, as well as techniques for mastering the script designer of the interactive lesson and the editor of diagnostic materials. Results. The purpose of creating and using electronic educational materials of the project MES to support the scientific, methodical and organizational and managerial activities of employees of educational organizations in the course of studying the discipline “Information and telecommunication technologies in education” is the mastery of skills of confident and effective work in the new system. As a result of the organization of such interaction between the teacher and the student, about 1000 educational electronic resources of the MES have been analyzed. Among them: scenarios of interactive lessons, tests, atomic content. Due to the fact that the scenario of lessons and diagnostic materials plays the leading role in filling the information educational environment of the MES, it was their analysis that was given the most attention. Conclusion. In the course of the implementation of the educational module “Informational educational environment of the MES” within the discipline “Information and telecommunication technologies in education”, didactic features of various educational electronic resources of the MES library were studied and analyzed.

About the authors

Olga Yurievna Zaslavskaya

Moscow City Pedagogical University

Author for correspondence.

doctor of pedagogical sciences, full professor, professor of the department of informatization of education of the Moscow city pedagogical university

29 Sheremetyevskaya St., Moscow, 127521, Russian Federation


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