The study of the peculiarities of the early potato varieties of LNNIISH breeding in the light-chestnut soils on the northwest of Astrakhan region

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The collection from 8 grades of a potato of early terms of maturing of selection of the Leningrad scientific research institute of agriculture is studied: Spring white, the Bullfinch, League, the Magician, the Naiad, Charm, Holmogorsky, Pamjati Osipovoj. The most productive are defined and early-maturing varieties at cultivation in arid conditions with use of technology of a drop irrigation. The highest productivity has been noticed at a grade the Magician - 32,6 t/hectare that is authentic above indicators of the standard sample on 19,3 t/hectare. High level of productivity the grade League (30,0 t/hectare) differed.

About the authors

T V Mukhortova

Pricaspiisky SRI of arid farming

Pricaspiisky SRI of arid farming

A F Tumanian

Russian People's Friendship University

Кафедра генетики, селекции и растениеводства; Российский университет дружбы народов; Russian People's Friendship University

- Bui Manh Zung

Russian People's Friendship University

Кафедра генетики, селекции и растениеводства; Российский университет дружбы народов; Russian People's Friendship University


Copyright (c) 2010 Мухортова Т.В., Туманян А.Ф., Буй Мань Зунг -.

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